Your COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
With the approval to give the Pfizer COVID vaccine to adolescents ages 12 and older, many families still have questions about the vaccine. Drs. Perriello and Armengol sat down this week to discuss the most frequently asked questions for our patients. As always we are happy to discuss any other questions or concern that you
Registering for the COVID-19 vaccine
We encourage all of our patients who will be 16 years old and older by this summer along with their family members to get registered for the COVID vaccine. This is especially important if you have risk factors or are a front-line worker including teens who plan to work at a camp or something like
COVID-19 Testing Updates
We are thrilled that more students in our district are being given the opportunity to return to the classroom, but we also know that more families may have to undergo a COVID-19 evaluation to get back to the classroom after a minor illness. We have come a very long way since last March when turn
AAP Guidance on COVID-19 in Educational Settings
Educational Settings & COVID-19: Commonly Asked Questions Am I going to get COVID-19 by teaching in the classroom? Research has shown that teachers and staff do not have significantly increased risks compared to other occupations. In schools, the biggest risk is adult-to-adult spread when mitigation is not being followed, such as eating/meeting close together without
School Reopening
More and more students in our area are being given the chance to return to in-person learning, and it has been a long and weary time since last March for many of you. Some families are still feeling uncertain about what this means, and what is being done to protect students and staff returning to
PAC Providers Receive the COVID Vaccine
This holiday season, our providers received the best present that we could have asked for. Just before Christmas, we were offered our first dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine. For many of us, there were big emotions that bubbled up in a teary release of all that we have pushed down in order to care